Tuesday, December 29, 2009

update on Frame and Glory in Freedom, Georgia

Well, the book was fantastic and since the book surrounds a spelling bee we are planning on creating a "team" in the near future. Probably, second and third graders. This should be fun.

Talk soon,

Mrs. M.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fall book club

Our new book club this fall is the books written from the author Barbara O'Connor i.e. "How To Steal a Dog" and "Greetings From Nowhere". The students are excited and we will try to go through her whole series by the end of the year!

Talk soon!

Ending Tom Sawyer

Well, we finished on August 18th and watched the movie, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". What a great movie. A least the kids understood the dialect after reading the book. Jodie Foster was Becky Thatcher. Overall, the kids love the activities along with the reading and had a wonderful experience venturing through a literary classic! What an accomplishment. Congratulations to all my book club kids!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Starved Rock Adventure

Well, to continue, the book club went to Starved Rock to see a recess cave. Also, we played in a waterfall in St. Louis Canyon at Starved Rock. The kids had a blast! The last activity will be a treasure hunt in our backyard. Then we will watch the movie with Jodie Foster! Can't wait to see the students reactions and connections to the movie. Every year we wait to watch the movie after we read the book and the connections to the book are fascinating! The conversations during the movie are exciting and they get it!!!

Talk soon!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

potato sack races and built a mini wood raft

As we continue The Adventures of Tom Sawyer we see Tom and Huck have run away because of what they saw at the graveyard and their adventures on the raft and on the island. Today at bookclub we built a raft out of sticks and string and had potato sack races! Fun for all!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

cemetery visit for the Adventures of Tom Sawyer


We are half way done with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer book. Although, it is challenging for the students they seem to be grasping it and their exposure to a literary classic is a good thing!

We visited the Wheatland Township Cemetery on Tuesday and everyone had a ghoulish time! The girls' thought the head stones as old as 1800 were cool! It was creepy and peaceful at the same time. However, when I asked the students what their favorite part of the book was so far approximately half the students said the graveyard scene! Who would have thought.

Next week building a raft and potato sack races! Should be fun...

Mrs. M.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tom Sawyer update...

Well today we painted the fence (whitewashing). The weather was perfect for painting and the girls had a great time! The paint and tools were all ready for us (from the owner of the house, Stu), and I brought some drop cloths and other essentials. We got the job done and the fence looks great! Thanks to the girls for volunteering their time!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Found a fence to paint!!

Well I found a fence in Plainfield, IL to whitewash (Paint).  My daughter and I finally got enough courage to walk up to a door in historical Plainfield, IL and talk to the owner about his white picket fence that needed painting.  He was very kind and volunteered the tools we needed to do the job!  Of course the labor is volunteer work, but it seemed like I was supposed to go up to this house!

We are so excited!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well, The adventures of Tom Sawyer reading club is underway.  We reviewed slavery and a brief synopsis on the Civil War.  We made homemade butter and spread it on fresh bread!  Yummy!   We are still looking to volunteer and paint a fence!  We contacted the Park District, State Representatives, Township and Food Pantry, still to no avail.  I may have to go door to door.  The ideal thing would be to find an elderly couple or individual to help them with the summer cleanup!  Still searching...  Each week the students are given a list of nine vocabulary words to look up and fill in the sentences provided.  Good job so far!

Update next week....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tom Sawyer summer book club

Well, this year the summer book club will be "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  We are scheduling events and activities to go along with this story.  This story will take us through many adventures and character building events.   First, we are going to locate some family or community building in our local town that needs a fence painted ( i.e. Tom Sawyer whitewashing the fence).  Also, the the students will have a great experience and be a volunteer at the same time!  The group is excited.  I will update as we go along to see where our experiences take us...  Mrs. McKee  

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hello Ms. O'Connor:

Here is a picture of my 4th grade daughters town she built for her book report, "How To Steal A Dog"!  She made a coffee house, Carmelia's house, Willy's dog house down the gravel road, Mookie, Luanne, car with details like beach towels hanging for privacy and milk crate, food and Toby.  My daughter added a lot of detail as she wrote her story like;   green shutters, brick on the house, moths on the light post and more.  As a family we enjoyed her creativity and interest in the project, how enriching!  In addition, many recycled materials were used throughout this project.  From doll furniture to grass on the board donated by Meijer grocery stores in Plainfield, IL.  

Thank you for writing the book!

Also, if you are ever in Plainfield, IL, please feel free to visit, Eagle Pointe Elementary.  Our budget is low, but if are traveling through town, the reception you will get from the community and students is exceptional.  

Very appreciative,

Mrs. McKee
(Natalie's mom)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bookclub for the summer

We are going to decide on the book to read for the girls in May.  Any suggestions?  I think one of the classics of course like: 
little Women, Mary Poppins, Little House on the Prairie, A Wrinkle in TIme Pride and Prejudice or Treasure Island?

How To Steal A Dog by Babara O'Connor


My daughter read "How To Steal A Dog" and built a town relating to the story for a book report.  She is in fourth grade and she has had a fabulous time creating this story through construction.
I would like to forward a picture to Ms. O'Connor.
