Thursday, July 30, 2009

Starved Rock Adventure

Well, to continue, the book club went to Starved Rock to see a recess cave. Also, we played in a waterfall in St. Louis Canyon at Starved Rock. The kids had a blast! The last activity will be a treasure hunt in our backyard. Then we will watch the movie with Jodie Foster! Can't wait to see the students reactions and connections to the movie. Every year we wait to watch the movie after we read the book and the connections to the book are fascinating! The conversations during the movie are exciting and they get it!!!

Talk soon!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

potato sack races and built a mini wood raft

As we continue The Adventures of Tom Sawyer we see Tom and Huck have run away because of what they saw at the graveyard and their adventures on the raft and on the island. Today at bookclub we built a raft out of sticks and string and had potato sack races! Fun for all!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

cemetery visit for the Adventures of Tom Sawyer


We are half way done with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer book. Although, it is challenging for the students they seem to be grasping it and their exposure to a literary classic is a good thing!

We visited the Wheatland Township Cemetery on Tuesday and everyone had a ghoulish time! The girls' thought the head stones as old as 1800 were cool! It was creepy and peaceful at the same time. However, when I asked the students what their favorite part of the book was so far approximately half the students said the graveyard scene! Who would have thought.

Next week building a raft and potato sack races! Should be fun...

Mrs. M.