Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tom Sawyer update...

Well today we painted the fence (whitewashing). The weather was perfect for painting and the girls had a great time! The paint and tools were all ready for us (from the owner of the house, Stu), and I brought some drop cloths and other essentials. We got the job done and the fence looks great! Thanks to the girls for volunteering their time!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Found a fence to paint!!

Well I found a fence in Plainfield, IL to whitewash (Paint).  My daughter and I finally got enough courage to walk up to a door in historical Plainfield, IL and talk to the owner about his white picket fence that needed painting.  He was very kind and volunteered the tools we needed to do the job!  Of course the labor is volunteer work, but it seemed like I was supposed to go up to this house!

We are so excited!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well, The adventures of Tom Sawyer reading club is underway.  We reviewed slavery and a brief synopsis on the Civil War.  We made homemade butter and spread it on fresh bread!  Yummy!   We are still looking to volunteer and paint a fence!  We contacted the Park District, State Representatives, Township and Food Pantry, still to no avail.  I may have to go door to door.  The ideal thing would be to find an elderly couple or individual to help them with the summer cleanup!  Still searching...  Each week the students are given a list of nine vocabulary words to look up and fill in the sentences provided.  Good job so far!

Update next week....